In order to read iBook files purchased from
iBooks store on some common eReaders, like Amazon Kindle, Nook tablet, Kobo, we
need to convert the iBooks to a more popular eBook format, like PDF because all
iBooks are in ePub format that is not supported by most of the eBook readers in
the market. Besides, most of the iBook ePub files sold on iBooks store are
protected by Apple’s DRM FairPlay, which prevents non-iOS devices from opening the
books. So if you need to convert the DRM-ed iBooks ePub to PDF or other common
eBooks, you should find a tool that is able to remove DRM from iBooks while
converting the books to PDF format. Here in the following article, we’ll show
you the complete guide on converting the DRM-ed iBook ePub files to PDF in two
Part 1. Remove DRM from
Protected iBooks
If you are referring to a freeware to remove DRM from the iBooks,
then you can have a try with Requiem. It’s able to losslessly crack DRM lock
from iBooks with ease. But one thing you need to be clear is that this software
has been stopped upgrading for a long time. It doesn’t support the latest
computer systems at all. In this case, you can try an alternative tool, that is
iBook Copy for Mac developed by TunesKit studio, the top-leading DRM removal
solutions provider in the world. The TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac is a smart yet
easy-to-use iBook DRM remover designed to easily bypass DRM protection from
iBooks with original meta info retained. It will work at 30x faster speed and
only take a few clicks to get rid of the DRM from any iBook.
You can now download the free trial version of TunesKit iBook Copy
for Mac and follow the steps below to begin removing DRM from iBook ePub files.
Please note that currently TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac works
perfectly with Mac OS X 10.11 EI Capitan, 10.10 Yosemite, 10.9 and 10.8.
Step 1. Launch TunesKit iBook Copy for Mac. Click “Add Files” to load
the iBooks from your library. Remember to authorize the computer with your
iBook account to play the books before converting. Otherwise it won’t work
properly. You can also add the iBooks to TunesKit by dragging and dropping.
Step 2. Once the iBooks are added successfully to the converter,
click “Convert” button to begin removing DRM from the iBooks ePub files.
Part 2. Convert DRM-free
iBook ePub to PDF
After the DRM restriction is completely removed by TunesKit iBook
Copy, you'll get all iBook ePub files without DRM protection on your computer that
will allow you freely convert them to PDF eBooks to be read on other eReaders.
One of the best ePub to PDF eBook converter freeware is Calibre from You can download the proper version according to your
computer system and follow the steps as below to convert the non-DRM iBook ePub
to PDF.
Step 1. Open Calibre, click the "Add books" button at the
top left corner to add the unprotected iBooks that need to be converted to it.
Step 2. Click selected eBook and then click the "Convert
books" button.
Step 3. Then click on the "Output Format" option in the
pop-up window and choose output format as PDF. Then Click "OK".
View source page here: How to Convert DRM iBook ePub Files to PDF for Better Reading