Apr 8, 2021

Listen to Audible Audiobooks on BlackBerry Phones

 The most popular smartphone may be iPhone. There are still some other smartphone brands such as Samsung, Huawei, Windows phone, and BlackBerry. On BlackBerry phones, we can use Facebook to chat, listen to music, and more. Can we listen to Audible audiobooks? This post will give you an answer.  

Play Audible Audiobooks on BlackBerry with Android System

The latest models of BlackBerry such as BlackBerry KEYone, Aurora, Motion all have Android systems, so you can easily install the Audible app just like any other Android phones to enjoy your audiobooks if your phone's model is on the compatible list or Audible.

1. Launch your BlackBerry phone or tablet.

2. Go to the Google Play Store and search Audible.

3. After finding out the Audible app, you can click the 'Install' option and wait a few moments for it to be installed on your device.

4. Audible is an all-in-one app to buy and play audiobooks. If you haven't bought any audiobooks yet, you can go to subscribe to Audible and buy one directly.

5. After purchasing, your Audible books will show up in the library. Just tap the download button to start downloading it.

6. When it is done, you can click the play button to enjoy your audiobooks on the Audible app.

Alternative Method to Listen to Audible on BlackBerry

However, if your BlackBerry phone is old models and runs the BlackBerry OS, it will not be supported by Audible and you can't install the Android version Audible app to it. So, does it mean you cannot play Audible audiobooks on BlackBerry phone?

No worries, though you can't use the Android app, you can still use other players such as one of the best audiobook players, 'Play-a-Book' on BlackBerry. The only thing you need to note is that Amazon Audible files are encrypted. So, the original formats AA and AAX are not supported by the third-party players except for Audible. To solve the problem, you need to use a specific Audible audiobook converter.

TunesKit Audible AA/AAX Converter is a useful utility that can help you change the output format for your audiobooks. So, you can play Audible on Windows PhoneBlackBerry, or any other device. It was specifically developed for beginners, so its interface is pretty user-friendly and nothing about tech is required to use the software. Besides, it is very lightweight as well as with the highest performance compared with other converters. To find out more details about how it works, just click the download button below. Following is the comprehensive guide on how to convert Audible audiobooks:

1 Import audiobooks to TunesKit

To convert your audiobooks, please download the audiobooks to your computer in advance. Then it is as easy as 'Drag & Drop' to import the files to TunesKit Audible AA/AAX Converter.

2 Customize output settings

Depending on your requirement, there are many options for you to customize your files for your BlackBerry. The features include selecting an output format, changing volume/playback speed, splitting your audiobooks, editing the files, and so on. Just follow the screen wizard to change the settings as you want.

3 Convert Audible to BlackBerry

You just need to click the Convert tab. TunesKit Audible Converter will do the rest for you like converting Audible audiobooks. During converting, please don't do anything else on the software as it may affect the software.

4 Upload Audible audiobooks to BlackBerry

Almost all BlackBerry phones support SD cards, so you can transfer the audiobooks from computer to SD card first and then insert the SD card to your phone. If you don't have an SD card or you simply don't like to use it, you can also directly connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable and then transfer the files to the BlackBerry phone.


Here are the two methods to listen to Audible audiobooks on BlackBerry phones or tablets. The first method is for the models with the Android system while the second one is workable for any models. 

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